Strawberry soup
Good morning,
according to my single mom lifestyle I thankfully have my parents helping me out at times with my kid. A couple of weeks ago my mom told me how Milele had suggested he wanted to cook a strawberry soup whilst shopping in the supermarket. She bought fresh strawberries for him and when he came home he had started to prepare for the soup.
Later that day I joined them for Sunday dinner and the first thing he told me was: "Mom, if you weren't so slow to get here you could have tried my soup, it was delicios, I ate it all". Impressed by his appetite and creativity with this new soup I couldn't wait (nor could he stop begging) to see him cook this soup at home.
Mileles recipe:
A little bit of sugar
A sip of water ;)
1. Cut the berries

2. Choose a pot

3. (Adult bring heat) Add the berries w full focus

4. Add some sugar

5. A sip (shot) of water

6. Stir it up

7. Measure the temperature

8. Count the minutes until its done

9. Serve and enjoy

The first time I bought fresh strawberries but I had to change to frozen ones as a more financially stable choice, hehe. He even added bananas in the mix one time, again, by his own initiative. This is exactly what I hope for him. Being creative, independent and experimenting in the kitchen. Getting to know how the flavors go together, how to cook, how to tell when it's done etc. I exhanged his white sugar for raw sugar and offered him some vanilla stem to inspire him and show possibilities to expand the recipe. With pride and excitement he has now mastered his very own dessert. We even served my best friend his strawberry soup on her belated birthday dinner, a great way to inlcude him in the celebration.

That's it, Mileles first soup :D