The very first steps
Hi there,
my name is Simona, i'm 27 y/o living in Stockholm, Sweden. I have a beautiful baby boy who's not a baby anymore, turning 5 y/o in October. His name is Milele and I'm his sole caretaker, a single mom or whatever the correct term might be :)
I started this blog because I'm on a mission. Around 2 years ago Milele slowly started to slowly refuse food. What started as what I guessed normal kid fussiness showed to be a bit more complicated. We started visiting doctors who had the same ideas at first, giving advice such as better offering ice-cream than him not eating anything at all. All snacks and sweets couldn't prevent what happened next: the point where he didn't eat nor drink for 3 days. He was rushed to the hospital and it was found it was something as thankfully 'simple' enough as a (really) long going constipation. Long story short, this resulted in horrible eating habits for Milele. Months and months of struggling, caving into his demands, basically on my knees just to see him chew.
Anything he would eat was a victory, if he didn't like one thing I would cook something else. I ended up cooking 3-5 different meals each day just trying to make him eat. I was desperate. We have come a long way since then, but still, there is still a daily struggle going on. I have set up a situation where my kid is extremely picky and spoiled regarding his demands for food.
My mission for my kid, and for this blog, is to change this situation, obviously. I no longer want 'dinner' to have an underlying tone of struggle and holding my breath anytime I put the plate down in front of him. I don't want bribes and empty threats to be my daily routine just to get him to eat (now let's be fair, raising kids without bribes must be unheard of). I want to create a curiousness within him, to accept new flavors, shapes and dishes. By increasing Mileles knowledge and skills when it comes to the world of food I hope to reach a new level of interest.
Growing up with an Italian mother and in a household where we would have apple sampling after dinner, I feel like a healthy relationship to food has a lot to do with knowledge. Hence, the name of this blog, The Know How Kid. This way I'm sure (iihh) that Mileles eating habits and mindset around food will change for the better and be replaced with skills he will be able to use for the rest of his life.Teaching him how veggies grow, how you harvest, how you prepare them in the kitchen, tips and tricks for cooking and so on are the very first steps of reaching these goals.
With that said, welcome to my blog and let's see how this goes. Oh, and, this is us (old pick tho, from 2016):

Baci, Simi and Milli