Hey there,
so I thought it would be interesting to type down the "yes" meals we have today, other than snacks and sweets that obviously are always welcome. Im thinking to post recipes of all these when we make them.
- Penne con pesto - the shape of pasta is way to fixed with this meal. A spaghetti with pesto can cause an outburst. With some tough love I managed to convince a pesto with a long pasta over Easter, but not without a fight and a 10 minute wolf cry. (Ended with hugs and apologies and a good attempt at eating it, so yai!)
- Spaghetti al pomodoro - Thank God this meal is back on our list. As probably most kids, some things can be a favorite until it suddenly isn't anymore. We've got the napoletan classic back on our table.
- Pizza - of course. Making our own is an awesome way to include the kids, especially if he has friends over.
- Swedish "Pytt i panna" - with ketchup. Basically a hash, a mix of potatoes and vegetables. Served with an egg and ketchup.
- Pancakes / waffles - Well, duh. In Sweden this classifies as a meal so, yeas lets elongate this list as much as we can.
- Cotolette di pollo con insalata - Breaded chicken served with lemony salad. The salad is not as easy as the chicken, but works ok most of the time.
- Fishsticks - Semi-finished 98 % of the time. Gotta work that away slowly but surely. Goal is to make our own.
- Frisella napoletana - Napoletan (super) dry bread, add water for a minutes, fresh tomatoes and extra virgin olive oil. One of the first meals he started eating as a small baby.
- Chips mayai - Tanzanian street food, omelette with fried potatoes. Served with ketchup.
- Salmon - just regular ol' Salmon, roasted by itself in the oven. With a squeeze of lemon (Mileles favorite).
He also enjoys tomatoes with a pinch of salt before / after a meal, or/and a carrot. That is basically what Mileles has been eating at home the last 2 years. Listing them makes me realize that his appetite is not really longer the issue. He acknowledges hunger and doesn't resent it anymore. I would like to direct it towards a feeling of interest, curiosness and aspiration. A chance to try something new. We've got a good base and a know-how of food, Im sure we will get it :)

Spaghetti al pomodoro